Supernatural Frequencies
Revealing The Mysteries Of The Spiritual Activity Around You And How It Applies To Your Life… Everyday
Let’s see if this relates to you…..
Are you someone who has an intuitive spirit?
A “feeler” is someone who has an intuitive spirit, that has a sensitivity to things in the spirit realm.
Have the changing chaotic times caused you to have trouble focusing…..created a sense of confusion… and increased anxiety?
Seers, empaths and feelers tend to see, sense and feel things and are more aware of the invisible world. Don’t panic…. It’s not as bad as you think. You might even be wondering…. OMG, this isn’t all in my head? Let me assure you… No… it’s not.
Do certain people, places or situations impact you in unexplainable ways or even drain your energy? Some of you may even be unaware how much of the spirit realm you really are sensing.
Take a deep breath….
I promise…. It’s going to be ok.
And I’m honored you’re here with me now, reading this. This is a sensory process before it is an intellectual one…. And…. it can often leave you feeling alone and bereft of answers… especially when you have no reference to understand what is happening. I mean it when I say, it’s going to be ok. I got you.
THERE IS NO ONE teaching this level of spiritual awareness anywhere online today…
Are you fine one minute….. the next feeling angry, anxious, hopeless…. maybe dizzy, nauseous or any other host of varying emotions or thoughts? Yeah….Me too…. Sorting through the varying levels of impact it has on your mind, body and emotions can have your head swirling trying to make sense of it all.
But… I have answers for you that can be life changing, if you’ll allow me.
Let me first say, you are greater than anything, that is happening in any of these dynamics!
Never Before Taught: Strategic principles to empower you to create a culture of impact in your daily life, brand, ministry and business to elevate, transform and unleash your next level of innovation and success.
What you may have never realized is that because of your instinctive awareness, it’s also why you will have answers that are really quick… it’s why you know things you’ve never been trained for…. Why, you can see things or feel things on people that could have protected you and maybe others…. It’s why you can ‘see’ or know the right solution in your business, job, relationships or other situations that logically make no sense…. But…. when you follow that gut instinct more often times than not, you have seen positive results.
Growing up have you ever felt like you have a ‘sixth sense’? Or maybe you’ve actually even had situations with friends and family that all of you were maybe questioning what you were thinking but you have come to understand that gut check, that sixth sense, has actually become pretty reliable to you over the years.
Maybe, you were given an innate sense of things even before you were born. Many go through life not fully grasping this. But….. when activated with understanding, you will find yourself favored and successful in the most unexpected ways.
The spirit world is watching you and carefully observing. And… it is very real—more real than the physical world sometimes—yet what do you do with it?
Now… I’m not one of those people who teaches everything is spiritual…. No, it’s not….there is a lot more to activating and owning our full potential than the spiritual activity around us. But….when you understand the supernatural frequencies, it will make your job easier… make you stand out beyond anyone else… it can help you get that raise, promotion or create unparalleled success in your business and relationships just by paying attention to some of that activity.
Let me teach you how to understand your intuitive spirit, the unseen realm, and how so many things could open up for you including your confidence and anything you may have held back on previously
Though you may not realize it, God was keenly aware of what you would want to pursue in your life and He actually made you for it.
Yes…. being a feeler, seer or empath might cause you to doubt yourself… have swinging shifts of thoughts… emotions… or even cause you to think you’re going crazy, making you feel as if you’re fighting things in the air that you can’t see…. Yet…..that might be the verifying fact of who you really are.
Many people that have experienced this, have hidden, afraid to tell what their world is like. If we can put aside, you thinking you’re crazy and open up our heart and mind to the fact that there may be a third party that you are unaware of, it’s possible you’re whole life could change.
Seeking highly motivated people who want MASSIVE growth to break through any limit and create the quality of life you desire!
Whether you are a homemaker, CEO, entrepreneur, coach, business person, creative, ministry worker or any other person wanting to achieve growth through understanding the unseen reality of spiritual activity at work around you, this Kingdom Minded Masterclass will show you how to hone your abilities, tap into spiritual frequencies and activate you to operate in greater dimensions of power in your daily life, ministry and business.
Most people don’t know where to even start down that path… how to find their created purpose… how to overcome obstacles… how to successfully navigate the season they are in… where to get the right training or build the right relationships to move toward unlocking new measures of breakthrough and resources.
Like I said…. I got you……
Understanding the unseen dimension embraces the “hard to explain” and the “intangibles” of the spiritual realm. It allows you to see what is in the dark so you will not stay in the dark. It supernaturally puts you in the know and gives you the upper hand.
Discerning…. which simply means to recognize small details, accurately tell the difference between similar things, and make intelligent judgements by using such observations…. When applied to the unseen realm in your everyday life… it can give you the right information to break through limits and strategic principles that bring results, allowing you a tremendous advantage that you can use to create the quality of life you desire so you can go out and live the life you’ve always dreamed of.
What if your life changed because you knew how to navigate walking more intentionally the road of your purpose with the keys that unlock new measures of power and authority? THIS IS what you’re looking at.
It enables you to discern the hidden motives of the heart. Frankly….It can save your life, because it can protect you from the wrong partnerships… from being sucked into the wrong fight at the wrong time… and help you to know the spirit operating for strategies to shift atmospheres, utilizing your instinctive nature to elevate your success and bring transformation for you, your family and your business.
God brought me through an amazing journey of understanding and maturing in this gift. As a child I often ‘knew’ things instinctively with no explanation as to how. I would speak of seeing things or about experiences that my parents had absolutely no grid or understanding for. Perhaps, you can relate…
At one point the pediatrician even told my mom I had an overactive imagination…. I giggle about that because I know they just didn’t know any differently. Even so, over the years my parents learned to pay attention to my natural intuitive gut instincts, especially when it came to people. I can even remember when my dad would sit me down at a young age and ‘test’ me with cards facing down because he was convinced I had ESP (extra sensory perception). Sounds silly doesn’t it… or does it? 😉
Truth is… I was naturally drawn to the spiritual realm… it was like I was made for it…. The thing was, I had no understanding of what that even meant back then, let alone what to do with it. This was daily “normal” life for me and that was all I knew. I didn’t realize others didn't see or experience the world around them the same way I did.
As the years passed my gift often seemed to cause issues. At times it seemed I just didn’t “fit in” or I felt misunderstood… Maybe I was different or maybe I just didn’t have the language, knowledge, awareness or self confidence needed to fully embrace who I was created to be. Don't get me wrong… I had favor, lots of it. But of course I had no understanding of it then, and definitely no clue in how to intentionally access it’s full potential to my advantage. No… not all my experiences were positive and as a young person seeking to fit in, be loved and accepted, I stopped sharing and even ignored or shut down this beautiful gift of knowing things in my ‘knower’, that sixth sense deep in my gut, that discerning of spirits. I began even going completely against it often times… And let me tell you… that never went well. Goodness… the lessons I learned from those mistakes. I’m sure if we were sitting down over coffee right now, we would laugh together over lessons we’ve both learned when we dismissed that gut check as “just me” only to realize later we should have heeded that feeling….
Fast forward a few years to the day I had a radical encounter with God. And in a moment, in THAT amazing experience… BAM!! All of a sudden my whole life made sense!! I learned I wasn’t broken or weird or crazy. I learned that being drawn to the supernatural is not only good, but normal… AND… that I WAS made for it. It became clear, this intuitive spirit of mine, my ability to ‘feel, see or read’ atmospheres, people, situations or other spirits operating, is a gift and though it’s not always a ‘feel good’ gift, once understood it became my greatest asset. It allows me the opportunity to tap into a realm many have no understanding of. It gives me a tremendous advantage and I am honored to be given the opportunity to mentor and activate this greatness within you as well. Being able to take you, if you’ll allow me, from underestimated to unstoppable by unlocking that greater measure of power within you that can create limitless possibilities in your life and bring a new perspective and clarity that you’ve never had before.
Sharpening this gift blends the practical with the spiritual to help you understand God’s unique call on your life and how to travel your road of destiny and purpose.
Let’s spend 6 weeks together….
This 6 week mentorship strategically blends the practical with the spiritual to help you understand God’s unique call on your life, giving you a basic understanding in how to navigate walking more intentionally the road of your purpose giving you the keys to unlock new measures of self-confidence, clarity, courage and the empowered understanding of your authority when walking it out.
Understand and sharpen your spiritual senses and the unseen realm
Discern spiritual atmospheres at work around you
Access the spirit realm to make a marketable impact with your business
Gain understanding of spiritual frequencies and the quantum world
Tap into Heaven’s Supernatural Power
Unlock strategies that you can activate to dramatically elevate your life and influence
Hone your abilities to tap into spiritual frequencies and dimensions of time
Navigate and understand the unseen realms emotional and physical impact in daily life
Find your normal, fortify yourself and avoid spiritual drift
Strategically overcome spiritual cognitive dissonance
Understand why emotional agility is better vs. emotional rigidity
Gain positional perspective as a spiritual being (BIG HUGE KEY, DON’T MISS IT!)
Navigate the realm of visions
Interpret and apply what you see and sense in the spirit to daily life and business
Shift atmospheres over yourself, your home, your business and region
Develop the muscles you will need to sustain the weight of your destiny
Design your world to pursue your purpose
and MORE…
Where would your life and business be after spending 6 weeks with Angie Rorrer mentoring you every step of the way?
“Angie helps you learn how to grab that spiritual stuff and apply it here in the world that you are living in, so you can get your relationships back, you can get your businesses back, you can move things that have been hindering you for years out of the way and move on to those next steps that you know you’re supposed to be where you can find your place being who you are supposed to be with your head held high and your chest upright. Don’t take my word for it, sign up and spend time with her. I am telling you… it will change your life!”
-Patrice Berry ‘The Tax Cop’
Learn how to tap into what’s going on in the spiritual realm and CHANGE your life.
Angie is pioneer breakthrough strategist and radical ‘new generation’ thought leader who’s ‘out of the box’ innovation, activates strategies that will catalyze growth and maximize results. Known in both the business and ministry world for her ability to create results and forward momentum, Angie is committed to helping you make progress in every area of your life so that you can unlock and unleash the power within that can help you break through any limit and create the quality of life you desire so you can go out and live the life you’ve always dreamed of. Thousands of people have enjoyed the warmth, humor and unique transformational power of her business and personal development teaching as a leading forerunner life and business strategist.
Masterclass Includes:
All sessions were recorded live as a webinar that you can attend anytime from anywhere
All HD video recordings.
BONUS CONTENT: Pre-recorded Q&A Session with Angie
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Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our program and its potential. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation. As with any business or life endeavor, there is no guarantee.